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Paint and Panel: The Edge

Feb 26, 2024

This week’s key takeaway:


The 3 keys to building a profitable body shop - with Ash Jardine


Episode intro:
You cannot fail to be inspired by our guest this week, Ash Jardine. The owner of Bodyshop Recruit is a good friend of the show, having spoken to us about how his company helps body shops recruit talent from overseas, but we thought it was high time we heard the full story of what got him into that position.


Ash really got his hands dirty and went out on his own at the tender age of 20, opening a successful body shop. He built up and managed multiple successful shops, some of which operated at 200% efficiency. This man has achieved things that most of us can only dream of! Listen to the show to find out how he did it.


In this week’s episode you will learn:
  • How learning to estimate made a big difference to Ash
  • How Ash doubled the income of the first shop he managed
  • The training Ash used to drive his success
  • How to build an effective calculator
  • How Ash earns the respect of his workers
  • The most important things to make a successful shop
  • The knockout advice that Ash got from his accountant
  • How Ash got into international recruitment
  • How taking a step back has helped Ash develop as a professional
  • What we can do about the skills shortage
Show links:
** Find Ash on Linkedin:
** Ash's Email 
** If you want to know more about business coaching from Ben, email: or go to and download the enrolment pack
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